Sunday, July 31, 2005

2d blog opened soon

Here's another blog I just created for my future drawings... more details later :)


Saturday, July 30, 2005

桜の雨 Sakura no ame

Hearing this song, from Matsu Takako, I wondered if I could add an umbrella, and try to make a special sprite of a girl in a kimono under a sakura tree with blossoms. I haven't done the tree yet, but it shall come soon, as soon as I finish my japanese house sprite. (it takes soooo long :'( )

Any idea or suggestions are welcome! I'm searching someone to create the final site or any gaming project ;) should you be motivated, you'll be welcome!

Reiwolf, spriting listening to this beautiful song :)

Huhu :D bon en français cette fois

J'essaierai de temps en temps de parler en français, mais je suis désolé si je ne pense pas à tout traduire à 100% :/
Voici mon blog destiné à mes sprites :) Qu'est ce qu'un sprite? le petit dessin à gauche ;)

S'il vous plaît ne les volez pas, utilisez-les avec ma permission (comme ça, on se connaîtra ;) )


Beginning of a story

Hello everyone, here's my blog, in english (maybe in French very soon)

I'm Jérôme CORSI, alias Reiwolf, from the website
Here's a blog dedicated to my spriting activities. What's a sprite? hu hu hu... this kind of drawings! :D look at the left :)
Please don't steal them, use with permission (I'll give you anyway, but that'll be a way to get to know each other better :) )

Ja, see you soon, I'll show you the whole :)
